This week was filled with a variety of photos/themes and being I couldn't choose one of them to write about and being this is a journal for my family I am going to share it all. So get ready!
I have to start by saying my boys are so sweet. They are so good at letting me take photos, ALL the photos! They never complain and usually request I get my camera out if its not already with me.
We had a snow day this week which for this mama is a wish come true! I love when I can keep all three of the boys home with me for the day. This snow day was filled with sleeping in, playing on the kindle, photos, reading, baking, cooking, movies, eating, and more eating. I am pretty sure I hear "I'm hungry" every 5 minutes. NO joke!
This week was a big one for Beau. Last weekend he started to crawl out of his crib so daddy decided to convert his bed into a toddler bed or as we call it his "big boy" bed. Those parents out there who have done this transition know that it takes a few days/nights for the transition to happen. When I say this, I mean we had a few sleepless nights and Beau was exhausted to say the least. This new found freedom of getting in and out of bed at any time was an adjustment for him. He was all excited and definitely pushed his parents to their limit for for a couple of days. I think he thought it was amazing until he was so exhausted he fell asleep one afternoon on the living room floor with his brothers making a ton of noise while playing all around him. (This is not something he has every done before.) I think he is loving his "new" bed especially because mama can lay next to him now and snuggle. :)
Briggs and Beau had an obsession with these green sunglasses one day this week. We have had them forever but just now they are a thing I guess. Beau found them on the counter (when he was climbing- doing something he knows he shouldn't do) and decided to put them on upside down. It didn't stop there. Then he decided he needed a stocking cap to go along with the sunglasses. And don't forget the macaroni and cheese left on his face! And in true brother fashion, Briggs decided he wanted to try out the sunglasses too. Monkey see, monkey do. I couldn't help but document it all.
I know I am biased but dang my kids are sure adorable! They all have the longest eyelashes ever and are so cute and funny. They may not know it now but they do so much for me. Sure we have hard days like everyone but the amount of growth I have experienced in my life since becoming their mama is unexplainable. God sure knew what he was doing when he gave me these three blessings to raise.